Take a moment to listen to these demo songs to experience the diverse sounds and rich expres- sive potential of the X When shipped from the factory, it is loaded with high-quality programs that cover a wide range of musical needs.
Page 18 [1], [2], [3], and [4] knobs to vary the arpeggio pattern in realtime. MODE Use these buttons to enter modes. The X50 has four modes. Page 19 From the left, this area shows the mode name, page number: name, tab name, and the parameter name of the edit cell. Page Basic Operations 1.
Press one of the front panel mode buttons to enter the corresponding mode. The page that appears will be the page of the tab you selected most recently. Page 28 Introduction 5. The same applies to a com- bination or multi set. Page Setup 4.
To prevent the plug from being pulled out accidentally, wrap the AC adapter cable through the cable hook located on the rear of the X Be careful not to bend the base of the plug unnecessarily. Connecting the AC adapter Page Turning The Power Off The settings you edit in Global mode are remembered as long as the power is on, but will be lost when you turn off the power. Also turn the volume of your powered monitor speakers or stereo amp down to zero. Page Connections If desired, you can connect these two individual independent outputs.
They are unbalanced phone output jacks. This can be con- venient when recording, or when using a complex live performance setup. When using headphones, plug them into the headphones jack located on the front panel. You can also use the included editor to edit the X50 from your computer. Page 34 Plug-In Editor. This means that it is not possible to use these editors to edit two or more X50 units simultaneously.
Page 35 6. When all the selected applications have been installed, click [Finish] to exit the installer. Connecting a computer 7. Mac OS X When using the X50 by itself, leave Local Control turned on. If this is off when X50 is used by itself, playing the keyboard will not produce sound. Page 39 MIDI sequencer. However, you can also use Multi mode when you want to use the X50 as a master keyboard to control an external MIDI sound module. Page 42 Setup Programs are the basic sounds of the X Programs are important elements of other modes as well.
In Combination mode you can combine multiple programs to create complex sounds, and in Multi mode you can play multiple programs by Page 44 5. Play a note on the keyboard to hear the sound you selected. Alternatively, you can press the [AUDITION] button the button will light to turn on the Audition function and the X50 will automatically play a riff phrase suitable for the selected program.
Overview: Program Banks When shipped from the factory, it is loaded with Programs. Page 45 DAW. Page Note Number Note Number Sounds can be programmed to change in character based on the note being played.
As you play higher or lower on the keyboard, the note number can modulate the timbre—such as becoming brighter as you play higher. Envelopes may also become faster or slower; Page Simple Program Editing X50, or you can start with an initialized Program to create sounds from scratch. On the X50, you can use the eight sliders in the Performance Editor display and the realtime con- troller knobs and switches of the front panel to Rotate the desired knob to control the sound, etc.
See the explanations that follow. The B-mode function settings are made for each individual program, combination, or multi set. You can specify the B-mode functions separately for each individual program, combination, or multi set. These are controlled Alternatively, you can press the [AUDITION] button the button will light to turn on the Audition function and the X50 will automatically play a riff phrase suitable for the selected program.
Quick Start This Quick Start is provided for those who just want to get started trying out the sounds right away. Choose from Off, arpeggiator A, or arpeggiator B. This can be con- venient when recording, or when using a complex live performance setup. Master Effect 1, 2: Always use a road case on your gear.
Not finding what you are looking for? Keyboard playing dynamics velocity switches between different manuaal. Quick Start Listening to the demo songs The X50 contains demonstration songs. Simple Combination Editing X50, or you can start with an initialized Pro- gram to create sounds from scratch. This applies to the entire X50 regardless of the mode. This means that it is not possible to use these editors to edit two or more X50 units simultaneously.
Basic Oscillator Settings For the one insert effect and the two master effects, you can choose from 89 effect types. Select a drum sample name in the list so that it is highlighted. Your answer needs to include more details mznual help people. It would be very unusual for only a few effects to be distorted. Objects in the Display and their functions a: These settings are made in the same way in each of kkorg modes.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
Troubleshooting MIDI device, or may be responding to a request for okrg. Table Of Contents Front and rear panel Lately during the filling cycle water hammer is occurring. However, you can also use Multi mode when you want to use the X50 as a master keyboard to control an manhal MIDI sound module. Basic Oscillator Settings For kory one insert effect and the two master effects, you can choose from 89 effect types.
Always use a road case on your gear. These settings are made in the same way in each of these modes. Jul 30, Korg X50 X Keyboard. Page 39 MIDI sequencer. The [B] button will light, and the name Bank B will appear in the left of the display. Quick Start Selecting combinations by bank and number 1. You can edit or write into any of the locations except for the GM bank, which cannot be erased. Backlight is off in this case too. In addition, you can use the arpeggiator and syn- chronize it to the tempo of your external MIDI sequencer.
EG, LFO, keyboard tracking, AMS, Dmod, controllers In addition to the sections described above, the X50 provides ways in which the sound can be var- ied according to time, key range, or various types of performance expression.
The same procedure applies when servicce an arpeggio pattern in Multi mode. The button will light.