Can I have my uncle who is a major part in his churches ministry to conduct the ceremony during a no contact visit via telephone separated by glass be sufficient enough. We applied for self-uniting license, and I put my current legal name on the application. Will that affect my name change after marriage? HI Alanna. You made the correct and only appropriate choice. You're post-marriage name change will go through fine.
Hi Lanre. Your ID should be current. If you're a NY resident, then your driver's license will work fine. Hey, My non-Us partner and I plan on getting married next month through a religious ceremony back in our home country.
I have applied for a marriage license and interview. He plans on traveling to the US the following month to do the interview with his Visa anticipating we get an interview date during that type. Can my marriage date be before the interview? And it is in less the 20 business days, how will that be affected? If it's a green card marriage, the interview questions will be different.
You and your partner may face greater scrutiny. If that's not a concern, it doesn't matter when your marriage takes place. Me and my fiance are trying to have a court wedding in November of this year but I can't find where we can set up an appointment for the court wedding in Montgomery County in PA.
We are aware that we need to apply for a marriage license first and then obtain the license. And then make an appointment for the court wedding but we have no idea where we make an appointment for a court wedding.
Hi Rachel. The register of wills in Montgomery County doesn't schedule courthouse ceremonies. They only issue marriage licenses. You can contact your local district justice for such services. We want to have a self-solemnizing marriage with witnesses, of course at a location in Pennsylvania that probably will not have an actual address, i.
Can I use a drivers permit photo, or a expired school ID with birth-certificate and social card. I only have the permit photo until I pass the test to get the real ID but the dmv wait is beyond the date Im sappost to get married. You'll have to contact the clerk of orphans' court in advance.
They have the authority to offer latitude. Common-law marriage has diverse names, from "marriage in fact", "marriage by repute and habit", "informal…. Apart from imposing penalties and fines on offenders across the divide, states around the country have enacted laws imposing non-offender…. One of the truths from research is that through premarital preparation courses and programs divorces are reduced and healthy marriages…. Where to Apply How do I get married in Pennsylvania?
But I was told to apply at the register of wills office? The clerk of orphans' court and register of wills may be combined in your county. Residency Is there a residency provision? Your place of residence has no effect on the marriage license procedure. Can noncitizens marry in Pennsylvania? Costs What's the marriage license fee? The price varies by county.
What's the marriage certificate fee? Does a self-uniting marriage license cost extra? Usage Where can I use my marriage license? You may use your Pennsylvania marriage license anywhere in the Commonwealth. Can I use my marriage license outside of Pennsylvania? You may only use your Pennsylvania marriage license in the Commonwealth? Can I use a marriage license gained outside of Pennsylvania? You may not use a marriage license sourced from another state in Pennsylvania.
Attendance Do I have to appear in person? Active duty members of the U. What if I'm incarcerated? If you're imprisoned, make plans with your warden to apply at the courthouse. Application What form do I fill out? The marriage license application will ask you the following: Name First, middle, last, suffix Prior name Show maiden name restored after divorce Or show court ordered name change Maiden name If different Age Date of birth State or foreign country of birth Residential address May use confidentiality program address Social security number Will not be publicized Phone number Occupation Highest education K College Transmissible disease Afflicted, yes or no This marriage is First, second, etc Last marriage Bring proof End date End reason i.
The clerk will file your application as a public record. Newspapers may publish your name. Afterward, the couple and two witnesses sign the license. The couple must return the license to the Marriage License Department within 10 days. If you only want to change your surname, you can sign your marriage license with your new last name.
This change will be reflected on your marriage certificate. If you want to make a more significant change, like shifting your current surname to your middle name, you need to file a petition with the Court of Common Pleas. COVID vaccine. The vaccine is now available for everyone 5 and older! Get your children vaccinated today. If you have questions about vaccination, call General requirements All applicants for a marriage license must provide photo identification ID and documentation of their Social Security number or a second ID.
State-issued photo IDs. Military IDs. Documentation of Social Security number or second ID Both applicants must also provide documentation of their Social Security number, if they have one. This includes: Social Security printouts.
Pay stubs. W-2 forms. For individuals who plan to change their name when marrying, please print a copy of the Name Change Checklist For Marriage License Applicants brochure. Marriage Licenses. Marriage Licenses Marriage Licenses Marriage License Applications in York County are filed electronically, and appointments are held by video conference.
FEES The fee for a marriage license varies from county to county. Divorce Decree and Notice to Resume Prior Surname if applicable When original documentation is written in a foreign language, a notarized translation must also be submitted.
Carefully read the help text and follow the prompts for e-filing. Upload required documents as noted above. If the previous marriage ended in a foreign country and the paperwork is not in English, you will need to provide an official translation as well. No, Pennsylvania does not require you or your fiance to get any blood or medical tests in order to get your marriage license. Yes, the Register of Wills will not issue the license until three days after you file the application.
This means that you will need to apply for your license at least three days before your wedding. Under certain circumstances, a judge may waive the waiting period upon application. Because the licenses are issued at the county level, the cost depends on where you apply.