Download power player free

Most Popular. New Releases. Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Trending from CNET. Player for Windows Player for Windows 10 By sushant sagar Free. Visit Site. The Download Now link directs you to the Windows Store, where you can continue the download process.

You must have an active Microsoft account to download the application. This download may not be available in some countries.

Developer's Description By sushant sagar. This app allows you to play you favourite soundtracks and videos and let you view your pictures. You don, t need to download different app for different purposes. The app runs in background and provides functionality to your media control hot keys.

Just go for it and you'll like it for sure. Full Specifications. What's new in version 1. Release July 10, Date Added June 1, Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store. Available to United States residents. By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services. Privacy Statement. Power DVD Player. See System Requirements.

Available on HoloLens. Show More. People also like. Omini Browser New Free. Chromosome X Browser Free. Flash Browser Free.

TikTok Free. Download Information. Does not support USB Sync. Does not support audio extraction from video files. Does not support CD audio ripping. Does not support DSD audio. A CyberLink account is required. Video playback quality to media casting devices may be reduced due to hardware encoding limitations. The following premium features unlocked for 30 days. TrueTheater Video and Audio enhancement.

Advanced Audio codec and effects support. Alpha MOV video playback. Product Information. PowerPlayer is the all-in-one media player that is also a personal media server. Enjoy seamless video casting to any device or computer at home or enjoy smooth, vivid videos on-the-go with CyberLink Cloud media server. Enabling a mobile cinematic experience, with the best video and audio quality for any device, anywhere, that can be shared with friends and family.

System Requirements.


  • 1000 / 1000